Our Thoughts

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Bryan Taylor

The Bard, Part 2: A Salvaged History

Ninety percent of the materials used in the Bard’s construction were salvaged from other forgotten stories, which means that Drawn's new space is steeped in history and rich with texture. Just like the agency itself and each of our clients, our building has a story.

When we embarked on a mission to find a new Drawn workspace, we knew that we were leaving behind a place (at the 5th Street Public Market) full of character, old stories, and a culture that has evolved with time. The Market was once a factory that has been turned into a communal gathering space for restaurants, retail, and a few of us small businesses. But we were no longer as small as we once were and we wanted to find a new place that either possessed the same type of building quirks or, at the very least, was able to have some character built in.

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"Wires ran everywhere, plumbing was shoehorned in, and creative use of duct tape was on display. But underneath the four decades of added materials was a building with good bones."
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"Ninety percent of the materials used in the Bard’s construction were salvaged from other forgotten stories."
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Find your true colors


Always unique, often a bit of wit, and hopefully inspiring new ideas