Our Thoughts: Drawn Agency

Siete | The Booth
Get the skinny on our award-winning design for Siete’s custom trade show booth.

The Drawn Brand | Brand Pillars
Brands can be fragile, so it’s important to anchor them with rock-solid foundations.

Sunnie | The Dippers
The story behind Sunnie's adorable, bite-sized (so to speak) snack packs.

Siete Small Batch | The Salsa Duo
Siete Small Batch is a place for trying new things, both when it comes to products and package design. Here’s some insider intel on our most recent Siete package design.

Porter Moves Into Hospitality & Event Venues
As the Porter platform continues to evolve and expand, it’s finding a foothold in new spaces like hotels and stadiums.

Siete | The Kettle Cooked Potato Chips
A peek at the process of designing the packaging for Siete Family Foods’ new product line, Kettle Cooked Potato Chips.

Cheers to Our Favorite Local Breweries and Restaurants
It's been a tough year for the foodservice industry and we're proud of our local partners, whose hard work and ingenuity helped them to evolve and thrive through it all.

Culina | The Drinkables
Designing packaging for Culina’s new product line that communicates the brand’s personality and values.

Making Home Services Feel Safe During a Pandemic
A year out from the start of the pandemic, we reflect on how we helped Wolcott navigate the COVID-19 climate as an essential home services business.

The Inspiration Behind Siete’s New Packaging Design
Siete’s award-winning, new packaging design is steeped in Mexican-American culture & family values.

ColdFire Brewing | The Barrel-Aged Series
ColdFire Brewing’s barrel-aged beers often spend two years on oak before they’re bottled up. So, the bottles? They needed to be worthy of such beers.

Culina | The Quarantine Care Package
Using design to help a growing CPG brand, Culina, to give back to healthcare workers and others at the front lines of the fight against COVID-19.

La Familia: How Siete's Culture Influences Everything They Do
Siete Family Foods is a family-owned and operated CPG company that does things a little differently, putting family first, family second, and business third. The results are pretty remarkable.

Porter | Alignment Unlocks Potential
How the hunt for alignment led to a “quiet set of helping hands” for the restaurant industry.

Why Brand Audits Matter
Sometimes, you need an unbiased eye to tell you where your strengths and weaknesses are. With a brand audit, Drawn can help reveal things about your brand that you may not be able to see on your own.

Drawn to Culture: Must-Reads
From historical non-fiction to vintage brand standards to bedtime stories, here’s what we’re reading (and loving) at Drawn.

Drawn to Culture: The Podcast Edition
Getting tired of listening to those same old podcasts day after day? Here’s a list of the ones we’ve been loving recently to give your ears a little something new.

Overheard at the Built Oregon Festival
Nuggets of wisdom from successful, Oregon-based entrepreneurs and businesspeople at the Built Oregon Festival in Portland, Oregon.

How I Became an Accidental Beer Snob
Our job demands that we know our clients (and their products) (and where they fit into the world) really well. To gain this kind of expert knowledge, we throw ourselves headlong into their industries. And sometimes, we become beer snobs along the way.

Why Rapid Prototyping is an Integral Part of the Design Process
Rapid prototyping allows you to get your hands on a version of your design ASAP, which, in turn, allows you to discover shortcomings in your initial concept — and brainstorm solutions.

How HCD Took the Wind Out of Our Flag Project
That awkward moment when you realize that there's no such thing as a design project that isn't human centered.

Drawn Agency champions responsive service design for the benefit of all at Service Design Week 2018
How designing brand experiences that are responsive rather than reactive helped one Oregon design agency create valuable opportunities

Why Brand Equity Matters
Our brands gain equity through smart investment. Sometimes, we're rewarded for risk while other times, it pays to err on the side of caution.

Moving the Offline Customer Experience Online with Shopify
How we worked with Shopify to translate a traditionally analog business model to a digital interface.

On Creating (New) Traditions
When we think of traditions, we mostly think of the 10, 50, 100-year-old ones, but we're creating new traditions all the time. Here's a look at some successful marketing campaigns that society has adopted as traditions and why they work.

Why Texture Matters
Whether created by time or intention, texture tells a story; it can reveal an object's true nature. So, can texture inspire better design?

Why Design Matters
Whether you're working with plenty of time and an unlimited budget or quite the opposite, there's a lot more to effective design than vectors.

The Simple Question that Will Help Your Brand Evolve
What really makes people feel valued at work and how to use employee satisfaction to your brand's advantage.

Why Opening on Christmas Undermines Your Brand's Value
How your company handles the holidays sends a message to customers about your priorities, and you want to make sure that it's the right one.

The Need to Adapt Without Losing Your Identity
A willingness to change is only one part of the equation.

How 'Unfocus Groups' Offer Unique Insights into Audiences
We found that traditional focus groups have their limits, so we took our research methods outside the box.